If you want to download and print e-Aadhaar card online, you need to follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step 1: Visit the official UIDAI website https://eaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/
Step 2: Select the “Aadhaar” option under “Enter your Personal Details” section ( Details should be exact in spelling as same as you used while apply for aadhar)
Step 2: Select the “Aadhaar” option under “Enter your Personal Details” section ( Details should be exact in spelling as same as you used while apply for aadhar)
Step 3: Select “Regular Aadhaar” and enter your Aadhaar number, full name and pin code of your address. Select “Masked Aadhaar” option if you do not want to show full digit of your Aadhaar number
Step 4: Click “Request OTP” option to get the one time password on your registered mobile number
Step 5: Click on “I Agree” to provide your personal details for authentication
Step 6: Click on “Confirm” to send the OTP to your mobile number registered with UIDAI
Step 7: Enter the OTP received on your mobile and click on “Download Aadhar”
Step 8: Enter the OTP and click “Download Aadhaar” to download the Aadhaar card
After downloading your aadhar, you need a passwor to open your Aadhar. This mandate for security reasons.
The password will be your first four letters of your name along with the year of your birth.
For example.
If your name is SURESH KUMAR and your year of birth is 1989, then your password will be SURE1989
If your name is SAI KUMAR and your year of birth is 1990, then your password will be SAIK1990
If your name contains initial lie P.KUMAR and your year of birth is 1994, then your password will be P.KU1994.
If your name contains only 2 or 3 letters, for example if your name is RIA and year of birth is 1991, then your password will be RIA1991.
For more clarification, please see below image.
Step 4: Click “Request OTP” option to get the one time password on your registered mobile number
Step 5: Click on “I Agree” to provide your personal details for authentication
Step 6: Click on “Confirm” to send the OTP to your mobile number registered with UIDAI
Step 7: Enter the OTP received on your mobile and click on “Download Aadhar”
Step 8: Enter the OTP and click “Download Aadhaar” to download the Aadhaar card
After downloading your aadhar, you need a passwor to open your Aadhar. This mandate for security reasons.
The password will be your first four letters of your name along with the year of your birth.
For example.
If your name is SURESH KUMAR and your year of birth is 1989, then your password will be SURE1989
If your name is SAI KUMAR and your year of birth is 1990, then your password will be SAIK1990
If your name contains initial lie P.KUMAR and your year of birth is 1994, then your password will be P.KU1994.
If your name contains only 2 or 3 letters, for example if your name is RIA and year of birth is 1991, then your password will be RIA1991.
For more clarification, please see below image.
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